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We operate in combination with the development and implementation and new technologies


The central backbone of our Core Banking System


Information is the most valuable asset of any company, losing it can mean the end of the institution. Our information back-up and recovery service is the tool needed to prevent this kind of crisis.


Operation Continuity
It improves operation tolerance, performance, and staggering, without putting it in risk.

Failure Recovery
Recovery in case of server, hardware, energy, or network failures.

Real Time Solutions
The system is protected 24/7. This helps improve performance and cost effectiveness planning inactivity times.


Our protected servers offer information security and availability. They store high volumes of data, eliminating the need for clients to dedicate space and physical resources for its protection.


Exponential Information Increase
The information in a company increases up to 40% annually. Our system offers guaranteed scalability and safety.

Single Control Spot
From a single access you can administer and control all of your hosting resources.

Official Norm Compliance
It complies with official regulations.

Information Order, Classification and Deduplication
We convert all physical information into digital files. We classify, order, and deduplicate it to eliminate redundancy. This improves information flow and storage optimization.


Being a sustainable and environment-friendly company begins with the amount of resources that are used and the efficiency in which they are used.


Ink Reduction up to 10 to 1
Whether it is printing in black and white, color, or high resolution, we guarantee a smart administration of resources.

Paper Reduction of up to 9 to 1
Work is more efficient, greener, and with fewer waste.

Lower Maintenance Cost
Document printing slowly wears the equipment down; keeping it in optimum condition improves performance and lessens repair and replacement costs.

Unified Printing, Monitoring, and Resource Administration Control
The system keeps a record and rigorous control of use; this optimizes the company’s management of resources.


Information is a very valuable asset in businesses today; having paper files represents a dormant risk for the entire operation. Our digitalization solution reduces the risk of information loss by keeping digital backups of each file.


Administration, Classification, and Organization
Your information is always available catalogued and sorted.

Information Custody and Protection
We own servers that are safe, protected and insured to store information with the highest security standards.


  • Reduction in the Total Property Cost for up to 5 to 1
    Initial cost comparing can be tricky, normally there are factors excluded such as product life, energy use, and expenses derived from functionality, these costs disappear with virtualization.
  • Up to 60% in electricity savings.
    This simple solution can save you up to 60% in your electricity bill, when optimizing your server resources.
  • Up to 50% in physical space savings.
    By having fewer infrastructures with a better and higher performance, we manage to reserve physical space for something more important.
  • Higher processing power
    A normal processor uses only 30% of its power under normal conditions, by consolidating your server it resorts to 100% of its capacity.